Document (#7387)

Buckle, D.
Internet: strategic issues for libraries and librarians : a commercial perspective
Aslib proceedings. 46(1994) nos.11/12, S.259-262
Discusses how the growing use of the Internet will affect library services and the work of librarians. The Internet is now changing from a research and developemnt tool to a commercial enterprise and libraries will have to compete alongside other information providers for access to the information superhighway. The library will also be competing for the multifaceted form of its current existence as a custodian of knowledge, a disseminator of information and a leisure service. The cherished value of the library profession to provide information free of charge will not be viable in the new enterprise culture. The only salvation for the library will be to seek new alliances, to demonstrate leadership in demand for public resources and to engage in reengineering the profession to serve the new environment

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    0.17171626 = sum of:
      0.17171626 = product of:
        0.61327237 = sum of:
          0.083774954 = weight(abstract_txt:existence in 7) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.083774954 = score(doc=7,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.13877079 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.0032123 = boost
                6.439392 = idf(docFreq=191, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.603693 = fieldWeight in 7, product of:
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                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                6.439392 = idf(docFreq=191, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=7)
          0.033961974 = weight(abstract_txt:libraries in 7) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
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              0.0957695 = queryWeight, product of:
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                3.782635 = idf(docFreq=2735, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.35462204 = fieldWeight in 7, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                3.782635 = idf(docFreq=2735, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=7)
          0.06411057 = weight(abstract_txt:librarians in 7) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.06411057 = score(doc=7,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.14628002 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.456637 = boost
                4.674911 = idf(docFreq=1120, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.4382729 = fieldWeight in 7, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                4.674911 = idf(docFreq=1120, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=7)
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            0.08441193 = score(doc=7,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.13947332 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.7420076 = boost
                3.7271836 = idf(docFreq=2891, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.6052192 = fieldWeight in 7, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                3.7271836 = idf(docFreq=2891, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=7)
          0.040613536 = weight(abstract_txt:library in 7) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.040613536 = score(doc=7,freq=1.0), product of:
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                1.9858742 = boost
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                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.29875487 = fieldWeight in 7, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                3.1867187 = idf(docFreq=4964, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=7)
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                2.0498912 = boost
                6.578893 = idf(docFreq=166, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.6167712 = fieldWeight in 7, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                6.578893 = idf(docFreq=166, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=7)
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                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.5119419 = fieldWeight in 7, product of:
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    0.14863636 = sum of:
      0.14863636 = product of:
        0.74318177 = sum of:
          0.10019328 = weight(abstract_txt:strategic in 3992) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.10019328 = score(doc=3992,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.14108574 = queryWeight, product of:
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                0.021481289 = queryNorm
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                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                6.4928803 = idf(docFreq=181, maxDocs=44218)
                0.109375 = fieldNorm(doc=3992)
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                1.1786163 = boost
                3.782635 = idf(docFreq=2735, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.7165939 = fieldWeight in 3992, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                3.782635 = idf(docFreq=2735, maxDocs=44218)
                0.109375 = fieldNorm(doc=3992)
          0.4330114 = weight(abstract_txt:alliances in 3992) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.4330114 = score(doc=3992,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.25954732 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.3719937 = boost
                8.806516 = idf(docFreq=17, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              1.6683332 = fieldWeight in 3992, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                8.806516 = idf(docFreq=17, maxDocs=44218)
                0.109375 = fieldNorm(doc=3992)
          0.035983425 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 3992) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.035983425 = score(doc=3992,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.07845826 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.5086662 = boost
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.45863146 = fieldWeight in 3992, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.109375 = fieldNorm(doc=3992)
          0.105365805 = weight(abstract_txt:will in 3992) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
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                0.021481289 = queryNorm
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                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                3.8613079 = idf(docFreq=2528, maxDocs=44218)
                0.109375 = fieldNorm(doc=3992)
        0.2 = coord(5/25)
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    0.14233716 = sum of:
      0.14233716 = product of:
        0.5930715 = sum of:
          0.09066603 = weight(abstract_txt:librarians in 4101) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.09066603 = score(doc=4101,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.14628002 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.456637 = boost
                4.674911 = idf(docFreq=1120, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.6198115 = fieldWeight in 4101, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                4.674911 = idf(docFreq=1120, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=4101)
          0.043618497 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 4101) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.043618497 = score(doc=4101,freq=6.0), product of:
              0.07845826 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.5086662 = boost
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.5559453 = fieldWeight in 4101, product of:
                2.4494898 = tf(freq=6.0), with freq of:
                  6.0 = termFreq=6.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=4101)
          0.06892205 = weight(abstract_txt:internet in 4101) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.06892205 = score(doc=4101,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.13947332 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.7420076 = boost
                3.7271836 = idf(docFreq=2891, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.49415937 = fieldWeight in 4101, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                3.7271836 = idf(docFreq=2891, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=4101)
          0.120874636 = weight(abstract_txt:commercial in 4101) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.120874636 = score(doc=4101,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.22324859 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.7995056 = boost
                5.7753086 = idf(docFreq=372, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.5414352 = fieldWeight in 4101, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                5.7753086 = idf(docFreq=372, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=4101)
          0.17867677 = weight(abstract_txt:profession in 4101) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.17867677 = score(doc=4101,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.289697 = queryWeight, product of:
                2.0498912 = boost
                6.578893 = idf(docFreq=166, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.6167712 = fieldWeight in 4101, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                6.578893 = idf(docFreq=166, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=4101)
          0.09031355 = weight(abstract_txt:will in 4101) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.09031355 = score(doc=4101,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.24948658 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.0078242 = boost
                3.8613079 = idf(docFreq=2528, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.3619976 = fieldWeight in 4101, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                3.8613079 = idf(docFreq=2528, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=4101)
        0.24 = coord(6/25)
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    0.13860083 = sum of:
      0.13860083 = product of:
        0.57750344 = sum of:
          0.08587996 = weight(abstract_txt:strategic in 1416) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.08587996 = score(doc=1416,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.14108574 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.0115454 = boost
                6.4928803 = idf(docFreq=181, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.60870755 = fieldWeight in 1416, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                6.4928803 = idf(docFreq=181, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1416)
          0.15158188 = weight(abstract_txt:superhighway in 1416) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.15158188 = score(doc=1416,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.20605673 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.2224673 = boost
                7.84674 = idf(docFreq=46, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.7356318 = fieldWeight in 1416, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                7.84674 = idf(docFreq=46, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1416)
          0.06411057 = weight(abstract_txt:librarians in 1416) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.06411057 = score(doc=1416,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.14628002 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.456637 = boost
                4.674911 = idf(docFreq=1120, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.4382729 = fieldWeight in 1416, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                4.674911 = idf(docFreq=1120, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1416)
          0.03981806 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 1416) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.03981806 = score(doc=1416,freq=5.0), product of:
              0.07845826 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.5086662 = boost
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.5075063 = fieldWeight in 1416, product of:
                2.236068 = tf(freq=5.0), with freq of:
                  5.0 = termFreq=5.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1416)
          0.05743621 = weight(abstract_txt:library in 1416) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.05743621 = score(doc=1416,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.13594267 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.9858742 = boost
                3.1867187 = idf(docFreq=4964, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.42250317 = fieldWeight in 1416, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                3.1867187 = idf(docFreq=4964, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1416)
          0.17867677 = weight(abstract_txt:profession in 1416) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.17867677 = score(doc=1416,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.289697 = queryWeight, product of:
                2.0498912 = boost
                6.578893 = idf(docFreq=166, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.6167712 = fieldWeight in 1416, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                6.578893 = idf(docFreq=166, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1416)
        0.24 = coord(6/25)
  5. Breaks, M.: SuperJANET : Library and information services over a gigabit network (1994) 0.14
    0.1371067 = sum of:
      0.1371067 = product of:
        0.5712779 = sum of:
          0.1214526 = weight(abstract_txt:strategic in 3386) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.1214526 = score(doc=3386,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.14108574 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.0115454 = boost
                6.4928803 = idf(docFreq=181, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.86084247 = fieldWeight in 3386, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                6.4928803 = idf(docFreq=181, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=3386)
          0.15158188 = weight(abstract_txt:superhighway in 3386) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.15158188 = score(doc=3386,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.20605673 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.2224673 = boost
                7.84674 = idf(docFreq=46, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.7356318 = fieldWeight in 3386, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                7.84674 = idf(docFreq=46, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=3386)
          0.06411057 = weight(abstract_txt:librarians in 3386) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.06411057 = score(doc=3386,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.14628002 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.456637 = boost
                4.674911 = idf(docFreq=1120, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.4382729 = fieldWeight in 3386, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                4.674911 = idf(docFreq=1120, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=3386)
          0.025183154 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 3386) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.025183154 = score(doc=3386,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.07845826 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.5086662 = boost
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.32097518 = fieldWeight in 3386, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=3386)
          0.08122707 = weight(abstract_txt:library in 3386) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.08122707 = score(doc=3386,freq=4.0), product of:
              0.13594267 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.9858742 = boost
                3.1867187 = idf(docFreq=4964, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.59750974 = fieldWeight in 3386, product of:
                2.0 = tf(freq=4.0), with freq of:
                  4.0 = termFreq=4.0
                3.1867187 = idf(docFreq=4964, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=3386)
          0.12772264 = weight(abstract_txt:will in 3386) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.12772264 = score(doc=3386,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.24948658 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.0078242 = boost
                3.8613079 = idf(docFreq=2528, maxDocs=44218)
                0.021481289 = queryNorm
              0.5119419 = fieldWeight in 3386, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                3.8613079 = idf(docFreq=2528, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=3386)
        0.24 = coord(6/25)