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Rorty, R.: ¬Der Spiegel der Natur : eine Kritik der Philosophie (1987)
10.598274 = weight(rvk_ss:CC 4400: CA-CK Philosophie / CC Systematische Philosophie / Abhandlungen zur Erkenntnistheorie in 1008) [ClassicSimilarity], result of: 10.598274 = score(doc=1008,freq=1.0), product of: 0.99999994 = queryWeight, product of: 10.598275 = idf(docFreq=2, maxDocs=44218) 0.09435497 = queryNorm 10.598275 = fieldWeight in 1008, product of: 1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of: 1.0 = termFreq=1.0 10.598275 = idf(docFreq=2, maxDocs=44218) 1.0 = fieldNorm(doc=1008)
- Classification
- CC 4400: CA-CK Philosophie / CC Systematische Philosophie / Abhandlungen zur Erkenntnistheorie
- Rvk
- CC 4400: CA-CK Philosophie / CC Systematische Philosophie / Abhandlungen zur Erkenntnistheorie
Searle, J.R.: Seeing things as they are : a theory of perception (2015)
10.598274 = weight(rvk_ss:CC 4400: CA-CK Philosophie / CC Systematische Philosophie / Abhandlungen zur Erkenntnistheorie in 1010) [ClassicSimilarity], result of: 10.598274 = score(doc=1010,freq=1.0), product of: 0.99999994 = queryWeight, product of: 10.598275 = idf(docFreq=2, maxDocs=44218) 0.09435497 = queryNorm 10.598275 = fieldWeight in 1010, product of: 1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of: 1.0 = termFreq=1.0 10.598275 = idf(docFreq=2, maxDocs=44218) 1.0 = fieldNorm(doc=1010)
- Classification
- CC 4400: CA-CK Philosophie / CC Systematische Philosophie / Abhandlungen zur Erkenntnistheorie
- Rvk
- CC 4400: CA-CK Philosophie / CC Systematische Philosophie / Abhandlungen zur Erkenntnistheorie
- 08.32 Erkenntnistheorie 2
- CC 4400: CA-CK Philosophie / CC Systematische Philosophie / Abhandlungen zur Erkenntnistheorie 2
- 121/.34 1
- 190 RORT 1
- 77.40 Wahrnehmungspsychologie 1
- B828.45 1
- CC 1100: CA-CK Philosophie / CC Systematische Philosophie / Untersuchungen zur Philosophie 1
- CC 4500: CA-CK Philosophie / CC Systematische Philosophie / Analytische Erkenntnistheorie 1
- CI 6590: CA-CK Philosophie / CD-CK Geschichte der Philosophie / Primärliteratur 1
- CI 6720: CA-CK Philosophie / CD-CK Geschichte der Philosophie / Primärliteratur 1
- Phi A 74 1
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